
龙岩,新罗2021-08-05 16:13:00
28 次浏览曹乐普 中国泉州古玩收藏品交易
公司名称:泉州闽古通今文化艺术有限公司 价格:300000元 具体地点:温陵南路153号 联系人:曹先生 大清铜币,学名清代机制铜圆,钱面中央有“大清铜币”四个汉字,内嵌一小字代表地名,上端是满文“大清铜币”字样,两侧为年份。边缘中间分别“户部”二汉字,下端为“当制钱十文”。钱背中央为蟠龙。 The Qing Dynasty copper coin, the scientific name of the Qing Dynasty machine-made copper circle, has four Chinese characters "Daqing Copper Coin" in the middle of the face, and a small character is embedded to represent the name of the place. The upper part is the Manchu word "Daqing Copper Coin" with the year on both sides. In the middle of the margin, there are two Chinese characters "Hubu", and the lower end is "Shiwen Dangzhiqian". The center of the money back is the Panlong. 图片 大清铜币/直径:2.9cm/直径:2mm/重量:约7g Qing Dynasty Copper Coin/Diameter: 2.9cm/Diameter: 2mm/Weight: Approximately 7g 各地铸造比较统一。铸造始于1900年(清光绪二十六年),止于1911年(宣统三年),流通时间较短。因其版面设计优雅,雕刻精良,且存世量极为稀少,大清铜币光绪年户部造当十被誉为中国近代制币中的十大名誉品之一。 Casting is relatively uniform in various places. Casting began in ************************************************************************(the third year of Xuantong), and the circulation time was relatively short. Because of its elegant layout design, sophisticated carvings, and extremely rare in existence, the Qing Dynasty copper coin Guangxu Nian Hubu Dangshi is known as one of the top ten honorary products in modern Chinese coinage. 钱币收藏市场发展如火如荼,尤其是古钱币更是受到投资者和收藏者的追捧。根据时代的不同,钱币被划分为不同版本,大清铜币就是其中一种,在收藏市场中,大清铜币是较受欢迎的古钱币。由于其数量较少,在设计风格上也给人不痒的感觉,因此大清铜币价格不断上涨。上下数千年,龙已渗透了中国社会的各个方面,成为一种文化的凝聚和积淀。龙成了中国的象征、中华民族的象征、中国文化的象征。对每一个炎黄子孙 来说,龙的形象是一种符号、一种意绪、一种血肉相联的情感。“龙的子孙”、“龙的传人”这些称谓,常令我们激动、奋发、自豪。龙的文化除了在中华大地上传 播承继外,还被远渡海外的华人带到了世界各地,在世界各国的华人居住区或中国城内, 多和 引人注目的饰物仍然是龙。“ 大清铜币”,背面是一条栩栩如生的神龙。在中国,收藏家极其喜欢这枚钱币,因为中华民族是龙的传人,在民间传说,“大清铜币”背面的龙,能增加一个人的气 运,使其时刻在龙气的保护下,趋吉避凶。所以这枚钱币一直深受收藏家的喜爱 “大清铜币”收藏价格难以估量大清铜币版式繁多,尤以当十者为 。多位清帝在位时发行过铜币来作为流通货币,铜币的使用具有重要的现实意义和历史意义,使 交易逐渐便利起来。 大清铜币/直径:2.9cm/直径:2mm/重量:约7g Qing Dynasty Copper Coin/Diameter: 2.9cm/Diameter: 2mm/Weight: Approximately 7g The coin collection market is developing in full swing, especially ancient coins are sought after by investors and collectors. According to different eras, coins are divided into different versions. The Qing copper coin is one of them. In the collectible market, the Qing copper coin is the more popular ancient coin. Because of its small number and the design style, the price of Qing copper coins continued to rise. For thousands of years, the dragon has penetrated all aspects of Chinese society and has become a kind of cultural cohesion and accumulation. The dragon has become a symbol of China, a symbol of the Chinese nation, and a symbol of Chinese culture. For every descendant of Yan and Huang, the image of the dragon is a symbol, a mood, and a feeling of blood and blood. The titles "Descendants of the Dragon" and "Descendants of the Dragon" often make us excited, striving, and proud. In addition to the spread and inheritance of dragon culture on the land of China, it has also been brought to all parts of the world by Chinese who have traveled overseas. In the Chinese settlements or Chinatowns of various countries in the world, the most and most eye-catching ornament is still the dragon. "Great Qing Copper Coin", on the back is a lifelike dragon. In China, collectors like this coin very much, because the Chinese nation is the descendant of the dragon. According to folklore, the dragon on the back of the "Great Qing Copper Coin" can increase one's luck and keep it under the protection of the dragon's energy at all times. Seek luck and avoid evil. Therefore, this coin has always been loved by collectors. The collection price of "Great Qing Copper Coins" is hard to estimate. There are many types of Qing copper coins, especially the top ten. Many Qing emperors issued copper coins as currency in circulation during their reign. The use of copper coins has important practical and historical significance, making transactions more convenient. 大清铜币/直径:2.9cm/直径:2mm/重量:约7g Qing Dynasty Copper Coin/Diameter: 2.9cm/Diameter: 2mm/Weight: Approximately 7g 此藏品放于中国泉州闽古通今,可议价交易买卖,本公司承诺此藏品类别器型版本稀有且珍贵,流通量极少,此藏品整体外观品相保存完好,有极具收藏投资价值、市场价值、文化价值、经济价值、研究价值,升值空间较大,具有良好抵抗通货膨胀的能力,欢迎莅临本单位洽谈购买。 We promise that this collection is rare and precious, and has very little circulation. The whole appearance of the collection is well preserved. It has great investment value, market value, cultural value, economic value, large room for appreciation, and has good ability to resist inflation. Welcome to our unit to purchase. WeChat marketing account: Min Gu Tong Jin Official website: http://zgqzmgtj.com/ 公司特色:好藏品 好经济人 好运作方案=成交 Company features : good collection good economic man good fortune as the program = deal. 服务宗旨:专业、诚信 Our professional:because we hold the pulse of the market. 我们专业---因为我们有,权威的鉴定专家 Our professional,because we have identified the most authoritative experts. 我们专业---因为我们有,专业的服务团队 Our professional,because we have the most professional service team. 我们专业---因为我们有,完善的服务
大清铜币户部造鄂字版铜币 - 图片 1
大清铜币户部造鄂字版铜币 - 图片 2
大清铜币户部造鄂字版铜币 - 图片 3